About Us
The history of the Yesilyurts' business tradition goes back to 1930s, and this tradition has been passed on next generations who founded a rolling shop in Karabuk in 1980, starting operations in iron & steel manufacturing industry along with construction operations, followed by another rolling shop in Samsun in 1986 and an additional smelting plant in the following years, establishing their position in the industrial business.

Yesilyurt Insaat delivered its first residence project Dream City in Zonguldak in 2004; and then focused its land investments on Ankara and Istanbul, continuing its operations in these cities, to become a prominent company in construction industry and recently, the Company has taken another bold step and broken the ground for its new project Still Istanbul, an award winning project and one of the most preeminent projects in construction industry.
Our Culture
Values such as integrity, quality and on-time business, doing business based on capital adequacy, standing by the work you do, and respect to national and moral values have been passed on to us from our ancestors.

As part of our corporate culture, our management and employees adopted these values as our most important mission. We are happy to be reflecting our values in our every contact across all processes from selection of team members to design of work flow processes.